Personalised plan just for you

Private and confidential

At your convenience

Prioritise Yourself

1-2-1 Health Coaching is a personalised service tailored to your individual needs. With additional support when required, 1-2-1 Health Coaching can help you to prevent lifestyle diseases and realise the many benefits of improved health.

I will work with you to create an achievable plan that fits into your daily life, helping you to reach both short and long term goals.

I will provide the necessary guidance and motivation for you to make lasting lifestyle changes. Whether it is weight loss, stress management, disease prevention or reversal, I am available to provide the best advice and support for achieving your optimal health.

Book A Free Discovery Call

The holistic approach to Health Coaching

The holistic approach to Health Coaching

Health Coaching Sessions, in person and online

Depending on your requirements, choose between ad hoc coaching sessions or a fully immersive programme (launching summer 2023)


Initial Consultation

For new Clients, your initial consultation is an extended session (90 minutes) to collate your medical history and create your first coaching plan.

Book Initial Consultation


Health Coaching

1 hour Health Coaching sessions available to up date since the previous session, celebrate achievements and set new goals if desired.

Book 1-2-1 Health Coaching

Other ways to work with me

I’m here to support and guide you to self-manage strategies to achieve optimal health and wellbeing

Group Health Coaching

Online and in-person

Find Out More

Public Speaking – In Person and Online

Talks and workshops available for your business and group activities

About Talks and Workshops